Dragons: The Great Victims of Worldbuilding
I'm not a fan of Wizards of the Coast dragons. I don't really feel like this should be that controversial. The organization of dragons based on the colors of their scales and their kind of breath weapon which also allows for good dragons in the metallic variety seems like an utter bastardization of what ought to be one of the most fantastic and magical things in fantasy. For instance, what in the world is a good dragon? These are embodiments of predation and destruction. They are a combination of like everything that humans fear on a primal level. The arrival of a dragon is like a natural disaster that hates you. The dwarves of Erebor learned that the hard way. By all accounts, dragons undyingly believe in their own superiority over all life, are prone to pride, vulnerable to flattery. I can't find an angle where that could be "good." Yes, there are no limits to worldbuilding and you should do whatever makes you happy. No, I don't think you should make good...